
A £50 deposit is payable on booking of your appointment.

This is non-refundable in the event of cancellation.

Full payment is required by 9am on the day of your appointment (or before I leave to visit you)

If I leave for your appointment and cancellation is then made, the euthanasia fee will be refunded but not the visit fee.

Full payment is required in advance for telephone / WhatsApp / Facetime consultations

If I believe I cannot carry out the euthanasia on safety grounds (either the safety of myself or other persons present) I reserve the right to cancel and refund your money, but the visit fee will still be payable.

If we have a meaningful discussion and consultation on my arrival at your house, but the decision is made not to proceed with euthanasia, I will charge a £50 consultation fee plus visit fee, the payment for euthanasia will roll over to a future appointment.

I am a registered, practicing Veterinary Surgeon and a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. (Registration No. 6124199)

I aim to discuss and resolve any concerns before a problem arises. In the event that you have any complaints, please address them to me in writing as soon as possible.

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