Data About Your Pet

When Daisy Vet Care is instructed to support you during the euthanasia of your pet, we will need to ask for information about you and your pet. (see owner / pet info form) This information is collected via the completion of the owner / pet info form or over the phone. This information is for us to be able to contact you regarding your appointment and formulate the best medication plan for your pet.

It is professional courtesy for us to contact your usual vet to let them know of your pets passing. If you do not consent to this information sharing, we would ask that you contact them yourself.

The Consent form for euthanasia and clinical history will be stored securely and confidentially as proof consent was obtained, should there be any question over ownership or consent relating to the animal in the future. These records will be stored for 7 years. You retain a right to access this information.

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