Derbyshire dog walking field
Three dogs walking in Derbyshire with owner

Contact Us

Please reach out - I am here to support you and your pet at this difficult time. Daisy Vet Care provides a whole care service for the euthanasia of pets in their own homes. Based in Wirksworth, Derbyshire and the surrounding areas.

Wirksworth, Matlock

9am - 6pm Mon-Fri
9am - 5pm Weekends & Bank Holidays

Text or Call
07842 555645

If your call is urgent and you can’t get through, please call your regular vet.

Daisy field

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Only you can truly answer this question, but discussion with an animal health professional can help give some context on your own pets situation. Often a pets quality of life seems to fluctuate day to day. When the good days are outnumbered by the bad, it is time to have this discussion.

  • There are many tools and questionnaires developed to try and offer some objective assessment of quality of life. After having this discussion many times over the years, I believe each pet is different. Ultimately, they must be pain free, able to move around, able to eat and drink and to keep themselves clean, among other things.

  • Typically, at home euthanasia cost varies from £300 for a cat to £475 for a large dog in normal working hours. This includes a visit fee, veterinary consultation, 1 or 2 stage sedation tailored to your pet and euthanasia. There is an out-of-hours surcharge and additional mileage fee for out of area calls. If you choose to have your pet cremated and their ashes returned, additional costs apply, depending on the pet crematorium of your choice.

  • Most pets benefit from a calm home environment with minimal distractions. A sedative medication will be given either by oral medication or injection (sometimes both) first. The ultimate euthanasia medication will be administered by injection when your pet is calm. You are welcome and encouraged to be present, to keep them reassured throughout. The first medications are sedatives, the ultimate injection is a large dose of anaesthetic which sends them into a sleep and ultimately stops their heart. The effect is usually very quick and smooth.

  • Although the effect of the final injection is rapid, the process is not hurried. It is important that your pet is calm throughout. The sedative medications can take from 5-15 minutes to take effect depending on you pet’s individual nature. If your pet can get upset by visitors to the home, I can provide you with a medication to give them before I enter the house. The key thing is that the process is individually tailored to you and your pet.

  • No, the most your pet will feel is the tiny scratch of a needle. Even then, I can use local anaesthetic and cold sprays to numb the skin when necessary.

  • Ensure your pet is comfortable.

    Keep your cat in a room where they cannot hide behind a piece of furniture or under a bed. Keep the doors closed.

    Keep other pets away for the time of injection.

    Good lighting in the room is very helpful for a smooth passing.

    Too many people can cause your pet upset.

    It can help to have a ‘do not disturb’ sign on your door to prevent unwanted interruptions.

If you have any questions at all, please get in touch. Or if you want to find out more about our services, visit our services page for more details.